Aeon-Hyper SSR

Çmimi: 268.734 €
Aeon-Hyper SSR


29 prill 2023 23:23
Automjete > Vetura
Shqipëri > Rajoni i Tiranës > Tiranë
Steptronic / Tiptronic
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Marrim Porosi
Dorezimi duke filluar Janar 2024

Can Hyper SSR be called China\'s first supercar?
Driving control performance exceeds Tesla generation, revealing the AICS intelligent chassis system
Breaking 100 in 1.9 seconds, Tesla is no match? Aeon AEP 3.0 Platform Released

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[Pacific Automobile Shopping Guide Channel ] Looking back at the \"sports cars\" manufactured by independent brands in the early 21st century , it may really be necessary to add double quotation marks, because in the initial stage of independent brands still imitating overseas designs, these so-called sports cars , has a strong sense of patchwork in both design and performance, and soon disappeared into the long river of history. However, it was also because of the warriors who developed sports cars that more ordinary people could afford sports cars - even if it was just a shell, it was enough to remember the excitement of that year.

  Twenty years later, the strength of independent brands has been enough to impress the global car industry, but for reasons of profitability and consumer tastes, in today\'s smart electric vehicle world, SUVs and four-door coupes dominate the trend, and two-door sports cars are even more popular. There are very few supercars at their peak. But on September 15, this situation may be rewritten by Aian, because Aian, who has just completed the share reform, officially changed his name from \" Guangqi Aian \" to \"Aian\", and completed this series of major actions, including Released its new high-end brand Hyper, the first model is the super sports car Hyper SSR .

  This Hyper SSR, known as \"China\'s first supercar\", has 1225 horsepower, a peak torque of 12000N m and the ability to break 100 in 1.9s. Therefore, its pre-sale price directly starts at 1.286 million yuan. When Hyper SSR stepped off the stage and made its offline appearance, the editor immediately took everyone to appreciate it.